适合夏末秋初的羊绒面料。这款来自苏格兰纺纱大师 Todd & Duncan 的羊绒和棉混纺纱线会让您信服。在羊绒中加入长绒埃及棉,赋予这款短袖 Polo 衫凉爽的触感,同时保持超柔软的质地。其灵活多变的设计适合搭配西装外套,在高尔夫球场或晚间外出时显得犀利,甚至还能衬托破旧的牛仔裤和休闲鞋。
Malcolm 在其他方面也优于典型的马球。袖子略长,覆盖了大部分上臂,看起来更精致。袖口和下摆采用较长的罗纹设计,更贴合身体,活动范围更广——因为这款百搭衬衫肯定会带来很多动作。
- 产于苏格兰霍伊克
- 64% 的 A 级蒙古羊绒和 36% 的 A 级埃及棉,由苏格兰金罗斯的 Todd 和 Duncan 纺纱
- 2 层 12 针距针织
- 罗纹饰边领口、袖口和腰部
- 沿肩缝的全时尚细节
- 三颗纽扣闭合,搭配精美的彩色烟熏珍珠贝母纽扣
- 那一点金色,我们独特的嵌花,环绕着马球衫的顶部纽扣
卡梅隆穿中号。他身高 6 英尺 1 英寸(186 厘米)。

Todd & Duncan Scottish Cashmere Yarn
Our grade-A cashmere has proved its worth in extreme temperatures by Mongolian goats, whose coats grow back after shearing. Its fibers offer insulating warmth that’s also comfortably breathable with a softness that’s almost a cliche.
From this raw cashmere, our partner Todd and Duncan build on their 150+ years of experience to produce yarn using only the longest (35 millimeter) and finest (15 micron) cashmere strands, resulting in garments that minimize pilling and maintain their softness and shape. They last a lifetime with proper care.
Built by experience for all life’s experiences
Our factory in Hawick, Scotland -- the self-proclaimed “Home of Cashmere” -- has been making fine cashmere garments for over 50 years. Knitters in this town have honed their craft for generations, stretching back to when the first textile factories were established here over 200 years ago.
Using time-tested machines and techniques -- no short-cuts! -- ensures a smooth, clean fit that can withstand the pulling and stretching of everyday life without losing shape.