Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie Moss Green#color_moss
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie Moss Green#color_moss
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie Moss Green#color_moss
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie Moss Green#color_moss
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie Moss Green#color_moss
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_twine
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_twine
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_twine
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_twine
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_twine
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_twine
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_twine
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_twine
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_twine
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_felt-grey
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_felt-grey
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_felt-grey
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_felt-grey
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_felt-grey
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_felt-grey
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_felt-grey
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_felt-grey
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Hoodie in Twine Made in Scotland #color_felt-grey

Arlo 2 层羊绒连帽衫


  • Free shipping and returns within the United States.
  • 库存,准备出货
  • 库存在路上


从纽约仓库工人到 Rocky,从滑板手到亿万富翁 - 连帽衫多年来发生了很大变化。现在轮到你把这个造型变成你自己的造型了。

几十年来,连帽套头衫一直是努力工作的人和几乎不工作的人的制服。我们的 100% 羊绒连帽衫采用柔软、奢华的两层羊绒,为这款休闲造型增添了层次感。这些极细的纤维提供天然隔热效果,同时又保暖又透气——非常适合全年穿着以及气温波动较大的日子。这款周末衣橱必备单品将一季又一季地保持其形状和柔软度,而双向拉链和贴袋则为男士和女士营造出更加流线型的廓形。带上你自己的招摇。



  • 产于苏格兰霍伊克
  • 100% 由 Todd 和 Duncan 在苏格兰金罗斯纺制的 A 级蒙古羊绒
  • 2 层 12 针距针织
  • 罗纹装饰领口、袖口和腰部
  • 沿肩缝的全时尚细节
  • 带皮革拉环的双向拉链(请注意,我们选择了比照片中更坚固的改进型拉环)
  • 拼贴插手口袋
  • 那一点点金色,我们在腰带左侧的独特嵌花

所有尺码预计将于 10 月 17 日那一周上市。 联系我们 如果您想在尺码有货时收到电子邮件。

Billie Todd Luxury Knitwear 100% Cashmere Made in Scotland

Todd & Duncan Scottish Cashmere Yarn

Our grade-A cashmere has proved its worth in extreme temperatures by Mongolian goats, whose coats grow back after shearing. Its fibers offer insulating warmth that’s also comfortably breathable with a softness that’s almost a cliche.

From this raw cashmere, our partner Todd and Duncan build on their 150+ years of experience to produce yarn using only the longest (35 millimeter) and finest (15 micron) cashmere strands, resulting in garments that minimize pilling and maintain their softness and shape. They last a lifetime with proper care.


Built by experience for all life’s experiences

Our factory in Hawick, Scotland -- the self-proclaimed “Home of Cashmere” -- has been making fine cashmere garments for over 50 years. Knitters in this town have honed their craft for generations, stretching back to when the first textile factories were established here over 200 years ago.

Using time-tested machines and techniques -- no short-cuts! -- ensures a smooth, clean fit that can withstand the pulling and stretching of everyday life without losing shape.

Luxury Knitwear Made in Scotland


From fiber to finish, made in Scotland.