Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Beanie Black#color_black
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_black
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_black
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_black
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_black
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_olive-green
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie #color_olive-green
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_spice
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_spice
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_camel
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_cosmos
ジョージ 8 プライ カシミア ビーニー
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_titanium
The George 8 Ply Cashmere Beanie - Billie Todd #color_grey-flannel

ジョージ 8 プライ カシミア ビーニー


  • Free shipping and returns within the United States.
  • 在庫あり、発送準備完了
  • 途中の在庫

暖かく快適 - 汗をかきません

完璧なフィット感のための調節可能なつばを備えたヘビーウェイト。当社の 100% カシミア ニット ビーニーは、寒さに対して保温性を提供しますが、過熱を防ぐのに十分な通気性があります。また、ウールのようにかゆくなりません。形を崩すことなく、季節ごとに柔らかくなっていくのを感じてください。すっきりとしたデザインは、平日や週末のワードローブを引き立てます。善意のあるすべての母親の要求を満たすのに十分暖かい帽子でありながら、バスに置き去りにされないほどスタイリッシュです。


  • スコットランドのホーウィック製
  • スコットランドのキンロスで Todd と Duncan が紡績したグレード A のモンゴル産カシミア 100%
  • 8プライ、12ゲージニット


Todd and Duncan Cashmere Yarn

Todd & Duncan Scottish Cashmere Yarn

Our grade-A cashmere has proved its worth in extreme temperatures by Mongolian goats, whose coats grow back after shearing. Its fibers offer insulating warmth that’s also comfortably breathable with a softness that’s almost a cliche.

From this raw cashmere, our partner Todd and Duncan build on their 150+ years of experience to produce yarn using only the longest (35 millimeter) and finest (15 micron) cashmere strands, resulting in garments that minimize pilling and maintain their softness and shape. They last a lifetime with proper care.


Built by experience for all life’s experiences

Our factory in Hawick, Scotland -- the self-proclaimed “Home of Cashmere” -- has been making fine cashmere garments for over 50 years. Knitters in this town have honed their craft for generations, stretching back to when the first textile factories were established here over 200 years ago.

Using time-tested machines and techniques -- no short-cuts! -- ensures a smooth, clean fit that can withstand the pulling and stretching of everyday life without losing shape.

Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Beanie Made in Scotland

The more you wear it,
the better it gets.

From fiber to finish, made in Scotland.
Billie Todd 100% Cashmere Beanie Made in Scotland